Fund Advisor Plus

Give patrons the power to diversify their portfolios and control risk with mutual funds

Fund Advisor Plus gives your patrons access to the entire Value Line database of approximately 20,000 no-load and low-load mutual funds, each with its own printable fact sheet, and each is fully searchable via online screening. This comprehensive service allows investors to view, sort, screen, and develop reports on all funds to identify those that meet their specific criteria. Mutual funds are grouped into 6 general categories (general, special, international, partial equity, taxable fixed income, and tax-free income) and 31 separate fund groups, defining each fund by investment objective (e.g. aggressive growth, foreign stock, corporate bonds).

Fund Advisor Plus features print editions with daily web updates and monthly print issues with a comprehensive tabular index of more than 800 key funds grouped by category, with more than 24 data points and performance indicators for each fund. Daily profile updates are available online.

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Fund Advisor Plus

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Fund Advisor Plus Trial Information

Free trials are available. For quotes, trials or other assistance, contact us at 1-800-531-1425 or

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