The essential Value Line small & mid-cap product

The Value Line Small & Mid-Cap Survey

Value Line's Classic Print products provide all of the independent information and analysis you need to discover timely opportunities and make smart investment decisions.

The Value Line Investment Survey®—Small & Mid-Cap, a universe of approximately 1,700 companies with market values up to $10 billion includes predictive performance indicators and analytical tools designed for small and mid-cap investment opportunities. The Small & Mid-Cap Survey delivers comprehensive, updated stock reports with highly detailed business descriptions, current earnings estimates, predictive performance indicators, and analytical tools to help you make smart investment decisions. A feature of each report is updated with changes in the Performance™ Rank, a forecast of relative price performance for the company six to 12 months, and Safety™ Rank, a measure of risk.


Ratings & Reports

Fine-tune your research through updated full-page stock reports with historical price graphs, easy-to-read charts, Timeliness™ and Safety&trade Ranks, ratings, P/E ratios, annualized returns, 3-to-5-year price projections, target prices, and business profiles. Plus updated analyst commentary, financial results, peer performance, and more. In addition to the digital access, 130 reports are fully reviewed by analysts every week, giving you fresh reports on all approximately 1,700 stocks once a quarter.

Summary & Index

Your index of updated information and data for all approximately 1,700 stocks, with a list of industries ranked by probable price performance for the next 12 months. Contains revised P/E ratios, dividend yields, and estimated appreciation potential. Individual stock reports include important Timeliness™ and Safety™ Rank changes, updated beta, current and estimated P/E ratios, estimated yield in next 12 months, estimated earnings and dividends and high-value screens that reveal the best investment opportunities.


Small & Mid-Cap Survey Trial Information

Free trials are available. For quotes, trials, or other assistance, contact us at 1-800-531-1425, or info@valuelinelibrary.com

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Small & Mid-Cap Survey Trial Information

Free trials are available. For quotes, trials or other assistance, contact us at 1-800-531-1425 or is@valuelinepro.com

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Classic Print